From 29/03/2023 to 31/12/2033

What you can see in Venice in three days

What you can see in Venice in three days


I want to give you some advice, as a professional host, but above all as a Venetian resident, on what you can see in Venice in three days. Based on our apartments, you can set out to discover the most famous monuments of the historic centre.

It helps a lot to plan things to do in advance, what to see and above all to buy tickets online  avoiding queues.

This is the link where you can buy tickets online.

It may be convenient, perhaps if you are a small group of  six or seven  people, to book an authorized guide who will take you to  discover the Venice treasures.

Now let’s start.

Day 1 – In the morning we begin from San Marco Square, the famous one which for many years was the economic, religious and political center of the city. In this place there are historic buildings within a short distance that the whole world envies us. The Basilica of San Marco with its golden mosaics dating back to the 11th century. The visit takes about 40 minutes, but beware of public holidays, when the morning is dedicated to worship.

Palazzo Ducale, the Doge’s residence  and center of power of the Serenissima. This is the most visited Venetian museum ever and it is open every day. It is connected via the famous Bridge of Sighs to the “Palazzo delle Prigioni”; here the prisoners heaved a long sigh as their end was certain. Opposite is the Bell Tower of San Marco, called by the residents “el paròn de casa” and the Clock Tower

You will have the possibility to purchase individual tickets for each single venue or purchase a combined ticket for all the museums in Piazza San Marco: Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico and Biblioteca Marciana.

In the afternoon, walking along the “Riva dei Sette Martiri” you can reach one of the oldest islands in Venice, San Pietro di Castello. This “Riva dei sette Martiri” takes its name from a historical fact that occurred during the Second World War, in August 1944. In that period a German soldier disappeared (who was later found to have fallen into the water because he was drunk) and the German command decided to have seven political prisoners shot in retaliation. Here we are in the Castello district and returning towards the Rialto Bridge you will be able to visit the Cloister of San Francesco della Vigna, the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo and the very small Church of Miracoli. It is nicknamed “the marble church” and the waiting list to get married in this jewel is very long. A short distance away is the historic Rialto Bridge and it will be possible to go up to the Fondaco dei Tedeschi and, upon reservation, it will be possible to go up to the roof, free of charge, to admire the panorama of the Venetian roofs.

Day 2 – In the morning you can visit the Natural History Museum or the Jewish Ghetto with its synagogues (online booking is recommended). In this place in Venice, during the period of the Republic of Venice, starting around 1516, the Jewish communities were forced to live. Being a small place, when a family increased, other apartments were built above the previous ones. The considerable heights of the buildings are the highest ever in the whole city. Nearby you will find “bacari” where you can take a break and eat something typical: creamed cod on crusty bread, grilled cuttlefish, fish balls and perhaps a good glass of prosecco.

Afternoon To rest a bit after lunch, I recommend a gondola ride, it costs 80 euros for 30 minutes until 18:00, after which it costs 100.00 euros. The price is the same from 1 to 6 people. You can also choose a water taxi at your complete disposal. The cost  up to 4 people for one hour is 130.00 euros. After having rested there, I would visit the Chiesa della Salute, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, the Squero di San Trovaso, one of the last sites where gondolas are built and finally the basilica Dei Frari with its precious paintings.

Day 3 – Full day to the three major islands of Venice: Murano, Burano and Torcello. You can start with the closest island of Murano, famous for its glass production. All the glass factories that once were also present in the historic center have found their headquarters on this island. Because of the fires that sometimes occurred, it was decided to transfer them all to an island so as to limit the risk of fire spreading to the inhabited centre. On this island you will also find the church of San Pietro Martire, the Cathedral of Santa Maria e Donato and of course the Glass Museum. You can calculate about 3 hours the time needed for the visit.

From here you can reach the island of Burano where you will certainly find an excellent fish restaurant: Trattoria Alla Maddalena, Al Gato nero or da Romano just to name a few. After lunch, a walk through the center, among the colored houses and where you will find many lace shops, produced by local handicrafts. Other typical products are the Bussolai Buranei, typical sweets of the island. Its attractions are the Church of San Martino Vescovo and the Lace Museum. You can calculate at least 4 hours, lunch included, to visit Burano island.

Then continue to Torcello, a very small island, to which we owe the origins of the first settlements of the peoples fleeing the invasions. Here we find the Torcello Museum, the bell tower and the church of Santa Fosca. A couple of hours are enough to visit all these places and finally you can get to your apartment, of course Ca’ Sant’Angelo apartments.