What can’t be done in Venice

Yes, you understood correctly, the title is not misleading.
We usually read those who suggest itineraries, more or less known places, public transport, 
where to eat or where to sleep,however, not a lot of people take the chance to say what cannot be done 
in Venice.
A small, fragile city visited by guests from all over the world, it also needs a code of conduct,
where respect for places must be equal to the one for residents.
You cannot enter the city by car. 
It seems trivial, but not everyone knows that cars are not allowed in Venice.
The last place reachable by motor vehicle is Piazzale Roma, where the main garages are located,
San Marco and Comunale. It only happened in 2011, four boys from Jesolo, who arrived in Piazzale Roma 
at 5 in the morning, they well thought  crossing the Calatrava bridge with their car.
They continued until they reached Campo San Geremia, then leaving the car parked under Palazzo Labia,
RAI headquarters.

Bicycles, electric scooters are not allowed and the use of drones has particular restrictions.
If you are a cyclist or have just purchased your inseparable scooter, here in Venice you will always 
have to lead them by hand. 
The only exception is small children if accompanied: you will be able to see their parents, especially in the morning
who accompany their children to school, standing on a small scooter, pulled by the adult with a small cord.
In the case of drones there are many limitations: they cannot fly over groups of people or large 
gatherings, they must stay at altitude minus 150 meters from surrounding buildings, they cannot fly over private property, 
they must be labeled and registered to the Municipality of Venice and must always be in the operator's field of vision. 
Having established this, they emerge not easily usable.

Have a picnic and wear beach clothing. 
It is absolutely not possible to eat sandwiches or do the preparation of a lunch or dinner near places of 
particular historical interest. 
The only places where it is allowed eat food brought from home or purchased on the spot in a supermarket are the 
Giardini di Castello or the green space of Sant'Elena. 
Once the meal is finished you will have to clean up and leave the rubbish in the appropriate bins.
Even though Venice is on the water, it is not a beach city. Walking bare-chested is absolutely not permitted
wear bathing suits or dive into the canals.

Getting on public transport with a backpack on your shoulders. 
This is definitely something you can't do in Venice.
First of all, the vaporettos (this is what public transport is called) are almost always crowded, 
especially those that sail the Grand Canal, therefore it is inappropriate to get in with backpacks, even modest ones, 
on your shoulders: you will give a lot annoyance to other travellers. 
Unfortunately, Venice has one major critical issue: thieves.
They are usually young, well-dressed and pregnant women. I advise you to always keep your backpacks and
your bags always in front of you, so you can always check them.

For these and many other tips, we at Ca' Sant'Angelo apartments are always available. 
Call us or send us an email, we will be happy to answer your questions.